Dear pat ients, due to priceincreasing of energy, of rent, of salleries,of different materials we are forced to raise the prices cca on o 5-10%. on our service from march 2024.
Thank You for understanding.
Entrance examination | 61 € |
Preventive examination | 21 € |
Intraoral X-ray | 7€ |
OPG | 24 € |
Local anesthesia | 13 € |
Conduction anesthesia | 16 € |
Extraction | from 30 € |
Consultation | from 25 € |
3D CBCT X-ray | from 50 € |
Kofferdam, Optra Dam | 10 € |
Glassionomer fillings | 35 - 60 € |
White composite fillings (adult) | 60 - 140 € |
Endodontic treatment | 90 - 140 € |
Metal-ceramic crown | 296 € |
Full ceramic crown | from 321 € |
Full ceramic crown CEREC | 352 € |
Full ceramic inlay, onlay, overlay | from 330 € |
Composite inlay, onlay, overlay | 230 € |
Implantation | from 1200 € |
Dental hygiene | from 60 € |
Teeth whitening by Philips Zoom | 320 € |
Teeth whitening (take home) | 158 € |
All services covered by health insurance are valid only for registered patients.
Currently the premium dental care in Czechia is not covered by any health insurance. The prices in the pricelist is only indicative. At the dental office you will get the treatment plan and according to this plan the dentist will create for you the price qutation.